International worker mobility services

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation on your global immigration needs.

Having a mobility advisor will help your business succeed in today’s complex global environment.

At VISAS EMPRESAS we will provide solutions to your international worker mobility problems.

91 847 87 30

Advice on the comprehensive management of visas for workers

At VISADOS EMPRESAS we are leaders in advising for the comprehensive management of visas and travel authorizations for workers who have to travel from their country of origin to carry out their work activity. From commercials and managers, through all kinds of technicians participating in any of the phases related to the installation of equipment or the provision of a service (installation, commissioning, repair, maintenance, training, etc.)

Destination country.
Length of stay.
Number of trips that are planned to be made in the year.
Activity to do.

We consider:

Physical processing by proxy at the local consulate.
Personal processing.
Online processing.
International processing.

We will help you in your:

Advice on the management of residence and work permits

Even in the case of displaced workers, we may find that the internal regulations of the visited country require the prior processing of a residence and/or work permit.

Visas and residence permits for family members

We also advise when the worker moves out of Spain taking his entire family with him, whether they are displaced workers or directly expatriates.

We take care of the management of all the necessary permits so that the entire family moves within the maximum legal guarantees so that they can lead a fully normal life in the country of destination.

As part of the work we do with the families of displaced workers, at VISAS EMPRESAS we are experts in managing student visas.

We have extensive experience in managing study visas in countries such as the United States (F1 and J1), Australia, Canada, New Zealand or Brazil.

Permits to hire foreign workers

We help our clients in their interest in getting workers from other countries whose skills are necessary in ours.

Highly qualified workers requested by large companies or SMEs.


Workers who come to provide a service within the framework of transnational service provision.


Movement of workers between companies of the same group.

We study those cases that may be susceptible to passing the barrier imposed by the NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SITUATION, accompanying them throughout the management process.

Legalizations and apostilles of documents

Document management between countries is key in the processing of visas or work and/or residence permits abroad.

At VISADOS EMPRESAS we are perfectly familiar with the legalization or apostille processes that allow the internationalization of Spanish documents that have to be incorporated into files that will take effect in foreign countries.

In the same way, we have a wide range of sworn translators recognized by the different organizations that we make available to our clients.
